19 May 2013

Au Revoir

The time has come for me to say goodbye to Togo and all my friends and co-workers; after two years, it is time for me to head home. For two years I haven’t stepped onto American soil (unless you want to get technical and say I have been to the American embassy) and it feels good to be finally going home. There are many things about America and my family that I appreciate more since I have had this experience in Togo, but I am glad I am saying “au revoir” and not the English “good bye” to Togo.

I do not know when I will be able to return to West Africa and Togo, but I really hope I get to. For that reason it feels much better to be saying “until we meet again” (the more literal translation of the French goodbye: au revoir) than the ever so final “goodbye.” It may be ten years, or it may be two, before I get to return, but after meeting so many wonderful people and seeing how the country has changed in just the two years that I was there, I want to keep in touch and visit again.

My time in the Peace Corps has changed my outlook on many things and has expanded my worldview beyond my little bubble and for that I am extremely grateful. I never want to lose touch with these experiences, so for now, au revoir Togo, it was amazing and you shared with me so much.

But man, does it feel good to be home!

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