19 May 2011

14 Days and counting

It is now just two weeks until I leave.  I am all packed.  I remarkably have only my backpack and two carry-on sized pieces of luggage and, if I wasn't insistent on bringing a two year supply of the toiletries I like, I would have very easily have not even had those extra bags.  My only packing dilemma has been the number of books I wish to bring and the fact that my trainers do not squish into tiny spaces like my clothes do.

I realize I have sort of jumped to gun on getting packing, but I suppose being anxious and the fear that everything I have would not fit into my bag spurred me into action.  Now I have a pile of luggage sitting in my room staring at me while I absorb my last bit of America, sucking down craisins, sitting in fleece pants and a sweatshirt enjoying the cool weather while I can, and watching every TV show I can get my hands on.

Pin pointing exactly how I am feeling is difficult because it hardly seems real at the moment, but with every friend or family member I say goodbye to it touches home just a little bit more.  These last weeks will fly by and with a trip back to the alma mater the day I head out is very near.  My parents have been relatively mum about my going away, but we'll see how things go as the day grows nearer.

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